The first Fusetek Run after our “NOV-Viyatek Fusetek new Year Party”, has been realized in Zorlu Energy’s Buharkent field.
The 8.5″ new FT 813 (S/N:A207528) bit drilled 561 m in average ROP=4.08 m/hr from depth 1952 m to 2513 m in the metamorphic formation. Our bit came from the hole in good condition / 1-2-CT-A-X-1/16″-PN,WT-DMF / and is still rerunable to drill short interval .In conclusion we drilled 424 m in instantaneous ROP (3-12 m/hr) rotary mode(75.6 %) and 137 m ,instantaneous ROP ( 1.5-3 m/hr ) sliding mode (24.4 %).
We congratulate Yunus Hıdıroğlu for his closest estimate.